Monuments and Tourism Development Conference
Monuments and Tourism Development Conference
Monuments and Tourism Development Conference
Monuments and Tourism Development guided tour
Monuments and Tourism Development guided tour
Monuments and Tourism Development guided tour

afisaprogrammaLately, a remarkable activity regarding the monuments of Larissa and its greater area has been noticed, which triggered the attention of many people. The ancient theatre of Larissa was the keystone of this effort, together with many archaeological sites and monuments, from Farsala and Karla to Olympus, Tempi and Agia. These sites and monuments were developed during NSRF 2007 – 2013 and are now open to the public. Moreover, since 2015 the new Diachronic Museum of Larissa clearly demonstrates the continuity of the Thessalian culture from prehistory till today.

This phenomenal activity should have a significant impact in the tourism and economic development of Larissa, as well as in establishing Larissa as a significant tourist destination.

The new facts in the cultural life of Larissa and the potential of the city in the field of tourism will be presented in the conference “Monuments and Tourism Development. A Bidirectional Relationship”, which will be held at the Diachronic Museum of Larissa, on Saturday 17th March 2018.

In front of an audience of tourism business people, archaeologists of the Antiquities Ephorate of Larissa will present the recent archaeological projects, whilst representatives of the academic and the local community will demonstrate the added value that these projects add to Larissa.

The conference is open to the public and will start at 5p.m.